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The image of the invisible God

We are soon starting our series in the letter to the Colossians. And one of the main verses in this letter is in chapter 1, verse 15, which says: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation."

This verse emphasizes that Christ perfectly represents God's nature and essence. Just as an image reflects the characteristics of the object it represents, Jesus, as the Son of God, perfectly reflects the attributes of God.

John Calvin - one of the great reformers of the 15th century - sees this as an affirmation of Christ's divinity and his role as the revealer of God to humanity.

However, in this context, "firstborn" refers to Christ's preeminence and supremacy over all of creation. It does not imply that Christ was created or had a beginning, but rather that he holds the highest position and authority over all that has been created.

Many people throughout history and in our day and age ask the question: "If God really exists, why doesn’t he just show himself in some dramatic, undeniable way?" And the reality is that he already did it; Jesus is the perfect revelation of the invisible God. But for the unbelieving mind, it can't be Jesus; it must be something else.

Thank be to God who gave us - his sons and daughters - eyes to contemplate the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, our saviour!

Nino Marques


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