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Post Tenebras Lux - After Darkness Light

One of the motos of the Reformation was the Latin phrase "Post tenebras lux," which means "After Darkness Light." This phrase was adopted as the Calvinist motto and later adopted as the motto of the entire Protestant Reformation.

This phrase became important because the reformers saw the Reformation not only as a restructuring of the church or a theological variance but as the retrieving of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This phrase symbolized the return of the light of the Gospel after the "darkness" of theological corruption in the medieval church.

Every generation needs to wrestle with the fact that when the Gospel is lost or corrupted, even though we might continue calling ourselves Christians and use Christian language and categories, we are plunged into darkness. Without the Gospel, there is no salvation. Without the transformational power of the Gospel that shines the light of Christ, we are unable to know God and understand the truth.

The domain of darkness is constantly at war with the Gospel. Our opponent does not care if we go to church and carry a religious life, as long as he keeps us from seeing the light of Christ. For this reason, being "Reformed" is not about subscribing to a certain Christian subculture, but it's a fight for the Gospel.

And the true Gospel upholds the truth that salvation is by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in Christ Alone, for the Glory of God Alone, having Scripture as our only ultimate infallible authority. Losing that is losing the Gospel, losing the Gospel is moving back to darkness.

So, on this Reformation Month, we would celebrate what was done more than 500 years ago, but more than that, let us recommit ourselves to being those who in our generation fight for the uncompromising announcement of the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Nino Marques


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