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Jesus Christ Living in Us

Far too often, we see preached in the churches around us a gospel that directly or indirectly invites people to add Jesus to their lives instead of the true gospel of Jesus Christ that accepts one single response: self-denial.

The true convert does not receive the gospel as an addition to his previous life but in exchange for it, as says Pastor Paul Washer.

In Christianity, there are no different kinds of disciples. We have disciples with different levels of maturity and different gifts, but every single one of them has to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23). There is no exception. If someone hasn't abandoned the old way of life to walk in obedience to Christ, this person is not a true convert.

And here we're not talking just about a new way of thinking, but a whole new way of living. Some might think that following Jesus was a more straightforward task when Jesus was here on earth among us, but this is not true. The Bible teaches us that despite Jesus' physical absence until he returns, we are promised to have his presence with us as we go on to fulfill the church's great commission. Jesus is present through his church (we are the body of Christ), he is present in the ordinances (baptism and the Lord's supper), he is present through the Holy Scriptures, and he is present spiritually as we share in the same Spirit that is one with Him.

Following Jesus in our days is as real as it was when he was here on earth bodily. Following Jesus is not a theory. Following Jesus is not an idea. Following Jesus is not a philosophy of life. Following Jesus is not even about living a "moral" life.

Holiness is one of the fruits of being close to Jesus; as we walk with him and behold his glory and are united to him, we are renewed into his image. Following Jesus is about being engaged in his mission, about truly being the body of Christ here on earth. It's about making his priorities our priorities. It's about sharing in his suffering and having our lives so "amalgamated" in the life of Christ that we might be able to say: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Phil 1:21)

Nino Marques


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Knox Baptist Church,  823 64 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2K 0M6 |  |  Tel: 604.347.5496

6:30 PM | SUNDAY | Gathering


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